How to make delicious doughnuts Part 1

How to make delicious doughnuts Part 1

“What does it take to make delicious doughnuts?” I get asked this question more times than I can count. I’ve often wondered why. They seem pretty straightforward and easy for me. Now keep in mind, I’m the girl that blew up the Home Economics...
Reacting versus responding- how to know the difference

Reacting versus responding- how to know the difference

When it comes to reacting versus responding, far too many of us are reacting to life instead of responding. It’s too easy to feel like we have no other option but to throw in the towel on our parenting, tap out on our marriage, and retreat from our friendships....
On The Other Side of Heartbreak

On The Other Side of Heartbreak

I’ve been thinking about heartbreak lately, not for any specific reason. Maybe it was the news of Kate Spade’s death or the fact that a friend confided in me that she wants to end her life. Perhaps it’s the fact that every year, here in the US,...
Intentional Life: How To Maximize Ordinary Moments

Intentional Life: How To Maximize Ordinary Moments

Living an intentional life requires us to maximize ordinary moments. Maybe you’re like me, and your mind instantly starts to race with all the details of work required when we’re optimizing anything in life. If that’s the case, take heart!...
Who are you in the trials?

Who are you in the trials?

Trails always reveal to me who I am and how much more I need Christ. Some trials are enormous spiritual battles, and others are everyday moments demanding that my flesh dies, (I guess that’s a pretty big spiritual battle too.)  In trials, I am reminded of John...
Proverbs 7: 1-2

Proverbs 7: 1-2

Proverbs 7: 1-2 reminds us that we are wise to perform life checks when we ask ourselves, “Is His Law the apple of our eye?” It is so easy to get caught up in the busy of life, to become completely enveloped in the news around us that we forget to focus....
Growing in Grace

Growing in Grace

Growing in grace reminds me of my first gardening experience. I had never gardened before, but that didn’t stop me from having dreams and expectations of a great harvest. I read every gardening magazine I could get my hands on through the winter months. I...
21 Day Anti-Anxiety Challenge

21 Day Anti-Anxiety Challenge

Our 21-day anti-anxiety challenge is not only fun but timely. According to NBC news anxiety in women is on the rise. Keep reading for my favorite sugar cookie scrub, perfect for today’s bubble bath challenge. The Scriptures give us a lot of direction for...
Intimacy in the Christian Marriage- Part 4

Intimacy in the Christian Marriage- Part 4

Intimacy in the Christian marriage, part 4 is as important as the first three posts in this series. Quite often, women ask me, “What do I do when I don’t feel like being intimate, and he does?” Picture this. You’ve battled toddlers with tummy...
7 ways to help parents of special needs children

7 ways to help parents of special needs children

7 ways to help parents of special needs children When a crisis or abrupt change of life occurs, it can be difficult to express our needs. It’s no different for parents with special needs children. Depending on the needs of our child, we may get better at...

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