The Power Of Gratefulness

The Power Of Gratefulness

I am convinced of the power of a gratefulness. Last week I became even more aware of this concept as I talked to my manicurist. I have a standing appointment with her every Wednesday where I take the time to reflect on my week and just breath. (more…)

Solving Life’s Problems

Solving Life’s Problems

Have you ever faced a situation that seemed too large to solve? I know I have. I’m not pretending to be wise enough for solving life’s problems. Yet, I have maneuvered through my share of trials, learning a few tips along the way. I hope you find this first suggestion helpful. It’s been powerful in my life! (more…)

Self Discipline

Self Discipline

I woke up the other morning with one word repeating in my mind, “Discipline.” As I prepared for the day, I considered all the areas of my life where I need more self-discipline. Order in the home, consistency in parenting, healthy habits, and the list could go on.

I had not thought about discipline recently, nor had I read any books or articles on the topic. Still, the voice repeated in my mind, “Discipline.” Now, I’m not one to “hear voices.” (more…)

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